> Code > Web > JavaScript Summary
identifierName of a variable, function, or object
keywordA word with fixed meaning in JavaScript (i.e., cannot be used as an identifier)
literalA JavaScript number or string (e.g., 23, -17.5, 'boo!')
operatorSymbols used to describe mathematical or string computations (e.g., *, +, / )

number-19, 3.14159, 6.02E23
booleantrue, false
string"hi!", 'The rain in spain falls mainly on the plain.'
functionopen, ...
objectdocument, window

A condensed summary (from here ).
Comment lines inside a SCRIPT tag:
  //                       comment rest of line
  /*                       Begin (multiple line) comment section
  */                       End (multiple line) comment section
  <!--                     HTML comment 

Assigning values:
  x = 4                    A number
  y = 6.758
  someWord = "Jonny"       A string
  somePhrase = "Thank you for visiting"
  mickso = true            A boolean
  var myVariable           Defines "myVariable" with value 'undefined'
  var numA = 100           Defines "numA" as number with a value of 100

Operators & Keywords:
  +                        Addition operator {3+4 is 7, 'ban' + 'ana' is 'banana'}
  -                        Subtracton operator
  *                        Multiplication operator
  /                        Division operator
  %                        Modulus operator {e.g., 10%3 is 1, 9%3 is 0, 8%3 is 2)
  +=                       a += b is the same as a = a + b
  -=                       a -= b is the same as a = a - b
  *=                       a *= b is the same as a = a * b
  /=                       a /= b is the same as a = a / b
  %=                       a %= b is the same as a = a % b
  ++                       a++ is the same as a=a+1}
  --                       a-- is the same as a=a-1}
  eval(string)             Treat string as JavaScript code, parse it and evaluate it

Control Flow:
  debugger                 Launch the Script Debugger and pause the script at this statement
  if(num==6)               if condition is true...
      { statment(s) }      ...execute these statements...
  else {statement}         ...otherwise...
      { statment(s) }      ...execute these statements (i.e., condition is false)
  ? :                      conditional operator // a = cond ? yes : no; is same as if (cond) {a=yes} else {a=no}
  switch (value) {         Compare value to case statements
    case 1:                if (value == 1)...
       statement(s);       ..execute these statements
       break;              ..
    case 27:               else if (value == 27)...
    default:               if no case statments matched value...
       statement(s);       ...execute these statements
  for(n=1;n<9;n++)         Loop a set number of times
      { statment(s) }
  for(a in b)              Loop over a set of objects
      { statment(s) }
  while(count<9)           Loop while condition is true (test before loop statements)
      { statment(s) }
  do {statement}           Loop while condition is true (test after loop statements)
    while (i>0)
  break                    Exit inner-most control structure (do, for, switch, while)
  continue                 Skip rest of this loop iteration and evaluate the loop condition

Comparison & Logical Operators:
  ==                       equal to
  !=                       not equal to
  <                        less than
  >                        greater than
  <=                       less than or equal to
  >=                       greater than or equal to
  &&                       logical AND statement
  ||                       logical OR statemant

  function foo(args) {     Define a function
      statment(s)          Statements in function
      return something;    Value of function is something
  myFunc.arguments.length  Number of arguments passed to function myFunc()
  myFunc.arguments[i]      Array of arguments passed to myFunc (0 is first argument)

  a = new Array()          Create new array with no elements
  a = new Array(n)         Create new array with n elements, each of which has the value 'undefined'
  a = new Array(e1,e2,...,eN)  Create new array and initialize first N elements to e1, e2, ... , eN respectively
  a[0]                     First element in array; arrays can only be indexed by non-negative integers
  a.constructor == Array   An array object's 'constructor' is always Array
  n = a.length             Returns the size of the Array a (i.e., 'a=new Array(27)' causes a.length == 27)
  a.length = n             Modify the length of a; if a.length>n, truncate array; if a.length<n, expand array
  a.prototype              Way to add "methods" to a class (see MSDN)
  a3 = a1.concat(a2)       Create new Array that contains all elements of Array a1 followed by all elements of Array a2
  s2 = a.join(s1)          Create a single string from the elements of Array a, each separated by string s1
  e = a.pop()              Removes the last element of Array a and returns its value
  a.push(e)                Increase the length of Array a by one and place the element e at this new end of the array
  a.reverse()              Reverse the elements of Array a in place
  a.shift()                Remove a[0] from the array, reducing the length of the array by 1
  a.slice(start[,end])     Create new Array that is a contiguious subset of the Array a (see MSDN)
  a.sort([function])       Sort elements of Array a in ascending order, or in manner defined by function
  a.splice(s, nD, e1, )    Remove nD elements at index s and insert new elements (see MSDN)
  a.toString([radix])      Like a.join(',') except that number base radix may be specified
  a.unshift(e1, ...)       Insert elements at the start of Array a
  a.valueOf()              Identical to a.join(',')

Strings: [NOTE: I have omitted many methods (.big(), etc.) because they are unlikely to be useful!]
  s = new String           Create new, empty String s
  n = s.length             Length of String s (i.e., s = 'foo'; s.length == 3)
  ch = s.charAt(i)         Return the single character at position i in String s (first character in string is at position 0)
  u = s.charCodeAt(i)      Return the integer Unicode for the character s.charAt(i)
  s = String.fromCharCode(u1,u2,...)  Create a new string from series of Unicode values u1, u2, etc.
  i = s.indexOf(str[,iStart])  Search from left to right (starting at iStart), find first occurence of str in s; return -1 if not found
  i = s.lastIndexOf(str[,iStart])  Search from right to left, but otherwise like s.indexOf()
  a = s.match(RegExp)      Use a "regular expression" to search String s [NOTE: very powerful, not well documented!]
  a = s.replace(RegExp,str)  Use a "regular expression" to search String s and replace matches [NOTE: not well documented!]
  a =     Use a "regular expression" to search String s [NOTE: very powerful, not well documented!]
  s2 = s1.slice(start[,end]) Create new String which is the substring of s1 starting at start up to but not including end
  a = s.split(sep[,limit]) Create new Array of strings by spliting up String s broken up by String or RegExp sep
  s2 = s1.substr(start[,end]) Almost the same as s.slice() ==> use slice()
  s2 = s1.substring(start[,end]) Almost the same as s.slice() ==> use slice()
  s2 = s1.toLowerCase()    Return new String that is identical to s1 except all uppercase characters are now lowercase
  s2 = s1.toUpperCase()    Return new String that is identical to s1 except all lower case characters are now uppercase
More Operators & Keywords:
  n = parseFloat(string)   Convert string to a floating point number
  n = parseInt(string)     Convert string to an integer
  t = typeof(variable)     Returns type of variable: "number", "string", "boolean", "function", "object", "undefined"
Math Functions:            // e.g., integer = Math.floor(floating_point)
  Math.abs(num)            Returns the absolute value of a number
  Math.acos(num)           Returns the inverse cos of a number
  Math.asin(num)           Returns the inverse sin of a number
  Math.atan(num)           Returns the inverse tan of a number
  Math.atan2(x,y)          Returns some oddball tan thing
  Math.ceil(num)           Rounds up a number
  Math.cos(angle)          Returns the cos of an angle
  Math.exp(num)            Returns the exponent of num
  Math.floor(num)          Rounds down a number
  Math.log(num)            Returns the log of a number
  Math.max(num1,num2)      Compare two numbers and returns the largest
  Math.min(num1,num2)      Compares two numbers and returns the smallest
  Math.pow(num,p)          Raises num to the power p
  Math.random()            Generate a random number between 0.0 and 1.0
  Math.round(num)          Rounds off a number
  Math.sin(angle)          Returns the sin of an angle
  Math.sqrt(num)           Returns the square root of a number
  Math.tan(angle)          Returns the tan of an angle
  Math.toString(num)       Convert num to a string
  Math.valueOf(object)     Returns the numeric value of an object

Date & Time:
  new Date()               Returns the current date from the system clock
  getYear()                Returns the year from the date found
  getMonth()               Returns the month
  getDay()                 Returns the day (numeric - Sunday = 0)
  getDate()                Returns the date
  getHours()               Returns the hours
  getMinutes()             Returns the minutes
  getSeconds()             Returns the seconds

HTML Event keywords:       // <span onClick="handleClickEvent()">some stuff to click on</span>.
  onClick="doFunc()"       Call doFunc() when user clicks mouse over this HTML region
  onFocus="doFunc()"       Call doFunc() when this HTML region gains focus (of keystrokes)
  onBlur="doFunc()"        Call doFunc() when this HTML region loses focus (of keystrokes
  onChange="doFunc()"      Call doFunc() when the contents of this HTML region changes (esp for <input type="text" size="20">)
  onMouseOver="doFunc()"   Call doFunc() when user moves mouse into this HTML region
  onMouseOut="doFunc()"    Call doFunc() when user moves mouse out of this HTML region

Dialog boxes:
  alert(message)           message plus "OK" option
  confirm(message)         message plus "OK" & "Cancel" options
  prompt(message,default)  message plus dialog input box plus "OK" & "Cancel" options

Browser Objects:
  self                     refers to browser window
  self.status              contents of status line
  window                   refers to object in browser
  defaultStatus            status line default message
  myNewWin                 where myNewWin is the name given to a
                            second browser opened
  myForm                   where myForm is name given to a form
  myFrame                  where myframe is name of one frame used
  document                 current browser contents
  bgColor                  background colour
  fgColor                  foreground colour (text)
  linkColor                an unvisited link
  alinkColor               an active link (currently being clicked)
  vlinkColor               a visited link
  location                 pages source location
  reload()                 ???????

Last updated Wednesday, December 12th, 2001.
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