> Code > Web > Project Ideas
difficulty summary specification
medium Add simple "physics" to motion.htm motion.htm supports very rudimentary motion, just some digits moving around randomly. You should add inertia (a body in motion stays in motion) to each digit, and make them bounce of the edges of the windows. For example, randomly start "1" moving to the left, and have it bounce of the left edge and return heading to the right. If you randomly started "7" moving down and right, when it strikes an edge have it bounce off the edge correctly (i.e., up and to the the right).
medium Towers of Hanoi Three pegs, A, B, and C are protruding vertically from a board.  There are N disks, number 1, 2, ..., N, stacked on peg A.  N is on the bottom, N-1 is on top of N, ..., 1 is on top of 2.  Disk N is the largest, and each subsequent disk is smaller, with 1 the smallest.  Write a program that generates the list of individual moves required to move the entire stack of disks from peg A to C, with these restrictions: a) you can only move one disk at a time from one peg to another, b) a disk may only be placed on top of a smaller disk, c) any disk can be placed on an empty peg.  Your web page should provide an input field to allow the user to specifiy N.
BONUS: provide a visual image of the disks and animate them moving between the pegs.
medium Remove duplicates from a sorted array of numbers Implement function unique(a), where a is an Array of zero or more numbers, which are sorted.  unique() is to remove duplicate values from the Array and return the list of unique numbers.
medium Guess an integer between 1 and 100 Provide buttons for "new game", "guess", and "I give up".  Loading the page and pressing the "new game" button both cause the program to pick a secret random number between 1 and 100 and ask the human player to try and guess it.  The player enters his guess on the web page, and presses "guess".  If the guess is correct, display "correct".  If the guess is higher than the secret number, display "too high".  Otherwise display "too low".  Permit the player to guess until he enters the secret number or presses the "I give up" button.
BONUS: What is the worst-case number of guesses that an experienced player needs to identify the secret number?
hard Largest and smallest positive numbers JavaScript cannot store every number. Write a program to automatically determine the largest positive number that JavaScript can represent (before overflowing).  Same for the smallest positive number (before underflowing).  Same for the number of decimal digits of numeric precision (i.e., how many decimal digits can JavaScript remember for any specific number, ignoring trailing zeros?)
hard Tic-Tac-Toe Display an empty Tic-Tac-Toe board. Permit the player to move first, and moves are accomplished by clicking on a square. The computer responds. First one to complete three in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally wins.

For subsequent weeks!
difficulty summary specification
hard+ solitaire card game Clone the Windows Solitaire program.  Need to find card face images and design your own card back.  Need to figure out scoring algorithm [look up in Hoyle.]  Need to figure out a non-Drag&Drop user interface for moving cards [hover over card produces options to click on: pick, ???]
hard+ Connect Four Rack of 6 rows, 7 columns. Computer and player take turns dropping checkers. First to get 4 in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally wins. Need to learn about MINIMAX algorithm with ALPHA-BETA pruning algorithm. Play a Java implementation.
hard Konane (Hawaiian Checkers) See the specification at Bryn Mawr.
hard Star Trek BASIC port Port BASIC (or C) version of classic Star Trek game to JavaScript + DHTML
??? Port a 101 BASIC Games program Pick one, figure out the UI, and go!

Lecture Topics
a) Name scope
b) functions, recursion
c) Objects, arrays, "memory allocation", properties, methods, etc.
d) Object lifetime
e) DHTML animation primitives, user interface

==> Illustrate utility of above JavaScript object features by showing alternate C/C++ code?

Some of my early programs, NU assignments, Lisa's programs
Biorhythm (three waves, based on birthday and current date) //** How to draw vectors?  Could do a bar graph to simulate three curves?
Racing game //** Do simply physics for accelerate, brake, and turn?
Infinite precision math routines //** I never coded these
Class scheduling //** pre-requisites, max number of students per class,
Evaluate an algebraic expression //** postfix to infix, stacks; start of code generation [NU: EECS B03 ??]
Reversi //** Peter Frey wrote killer version of this

Last updated Tuesday, January 7th, 2003.
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