> Family > Meyer and Enid Slivka photos from the Seattle Times Archive
Ben and Lisa visited the Seattle Times on Thursday, February 4th, 2010, to sit in on the editorial board meeting and the daily news meeting and have lunch with Frank Blethen (Publisher), Ryan Blethen (Editorial Page Editor), and David Boardman (Executive Editor). They also had a quick tour of the Seattle Times photo archive, where they discovered 14 photos of Meyer B. Slivka and Enid Miller Slivka from 1959-1970. A Times staffer graciously offered to scan the photos (front and back), which are presented here in chronological order.

Enid arrived in Seattle in 1956 to work as a librarian for the Seattle Public Library.
Meyer arrived in Seattle in 1958 to play the tympani for the Seattle Symphony Orchestra.
After discovering these photos, we queried the Museum of History & Industry in Seattle, and they found one photo negative in their Seattle Post-Intelligencer archive.

1959 -- Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Credit: Post-Intelligencer Collection, Museum of History & Industry, 1986.5.12539.1
1959 -- Seattle Times


From: Enid Slivka
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: Photos of Meyer and Enid from the Seattle Times photo archive: 1959-1970

The photo of me standing in front of microphones dates, I think, from a City Council hearing 
on an ordinance to prohibit topless dancing in Seattle.  I am wearing one of my favorite cotton 
dresses lime green, so think that the date on the photo is wrong. I will need to go to the 
Public Library and search the files for the hearing, which must have been in the summer.  
Anyway, I went to comment on the proposed ordinance.  I thought that it was not very sensible to 
prohibit only topless dancing.  What was then to stop clubs from having bottomless dancing?
Everybody laughed. I do not remember the outcome, but I can look it up at some point.
I do not remember that there was a news story, but there may have been.
Love to all, Mother/Enid

Last updated Wednesday, September 26th, 2012.
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